Can you give me your opinion on marketing financial services using your digital marketing strategies?

I am transitioning soon from UBS to Wells Fargo’s business owners channel and would like to decide what i am going to do in this department (if anything).

I looked into it when i first started in the business and i was told that financial planners typically don’t get good results (2008).

My website is going to be mediocre at best because I’m choosing to use Wells Fargo branding with my practice name ” client name” at least for a few years. Then I will switch to only using my business name and have a high quality site done.We’re restricted on what we can put out but I will be able to do Linkedin and Twitter.

Here are a few examples:–Dinkins.e474976.htm

My reply:

From 2009 to 2011 I beta tested funnel science the idea. The only 2 industry’s this is not successful for is insurance agents and financial advisers who are “franchised” – meaning not expert/independent

Here is the main reason: The cost per lead is very expensive, and if you do not have the upfront capital to invest in farming leads and are able to see it out (out live the initial investment) to the maturity of the lifetime customer value.

If you are funded, you can do anything. This is business of farming measured in 5, 7, 10 20, 35, 50 years. I have worked with enough independent guys who stated they were experts. They had a track record, pedigree and referrals to back it up. Those guys do very well with online and generate a ton of leads.

If you are put in the box, the same box as everyone else, with the same boxed message – you will only sell based on the relationships you build. The Wells brand has major recognition, so you are basically co-branding your relationships to the household name.

Here are 3 financial advisor/retirement financial planning companies I know for certain have generated leads through digital marketing like Google AdWords, search engine marketing and social media marketing:

John Pollock Financial –
Bill Dendy – Elite Financial Manage
Senior Annuity Alert –

With my own business and for businesses I have directly worked with, I know for certain digital marketing generates customers for most financial services. If you are a independent financial advisor and have expertise that is documented, you can generate customers from your website and online marketing campaigns. If you are not, and a “advisor in a box”, I do not recommend wasting your money and time.

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